As the title entails. Sigh...
Got to my first lesson of critical research with Mr White told him about my chosen topic of study. I told him of my comic book hypothesis and what topic i was going to be doing. When all of a sudden i was back to square one.
Sir had informed me that my topic of choice and what i had already done and wanted to look at such as blockbuster and Marvel etc were in layman's terms. Wrong. This was due to the Hollywood and American influences that would be involved in my project. Something that apparently is NOT World Cinema. This sparked a discussion on what exactly 'World Cinema' actually is? As far as i thought it was any cinema from all around the world, i.e. English, American, French etc etc. Sit said, this was wrong how ever and asked us to look it up.
To wiki i went!
They described it as;
"World cinema is a term used primarily in English language speaking countries to refer to the films and film industries of non-English speaking countries. It is therefore often used interchangeably with the term Foreign film. However, both World cinema and Foreign film could be taken to refer to the films of all countries other than one's own, regardless of native language."
And the way i saw it was, 'Well even American films are to be deemed as foreign to Spanish people so what the hell'.
"In other English speaking countries, it would be extremely unlikely to class films made in the U.S. as foreign films, or belonging to World cinema, as American films are reasonably dominant in all English-language markets."
Damn you wiki, you've failed me :(
Also as wiki lists World Cinema as;
World cinema
- African cinema
- Asian cinema
- East Asian cinema
- South Asian cinema
- Southeast Asian cinema
- West Asian cinema
- European cinema
- Latin American cinema
- North American cinema
- Oceanian cinema
It just confused me more as it says North American it only confused me further. So i found the examiners report for World Cinema last year and to my morosity (i should SO copyright that word) it read that people would lose marks for getting too wound up in Hollywood or more Western films ignoring other films such as Japanese and German etc etc.
The source of my anguish.
So basically i rang OCR to ask if they could help and provide some Deus Ex Machina on this unsatisfactory situation only to be provided with in my words; "The dude that would usually answer this is on holiday". I hope hes having fun... ¬.¬
So i have basically taken it upon my self and deducted that World Cinema is everything that doesn't originate from England and or America. World Cinema seems to have an aura around it more focused on the artistic values and interpretations with more substance to it, opposed to the commercialised superficial block busters that seep from America. So as i was saying back to square numero. It bad enough trying to define my exteremly vague area of work let alone define a topic with in it. Which is why all i am most probably changing my comic book related hypothesis. I came up with another one in relation to this absurd revelation of how 'Japanese anime and manga affects films' or something to that extent, but as the report says; "Other areas of study were Japanese cinema: Manga/Anime and Horror." And i don't want to be just another one of those guys who would fade into obscurity along with all the other i-did-anime-and-manga guys. So i have basically abandoned my comic book origins, yup that does mean my post on Marvel is redundant now. Merely a wall of word vomit on my Mario themed viral.
So i went to ask Madam, [warning: Exaggeration] 'What the hell am i going to do?!!?!?!'
she was as dumb founded as me and we agreed that to avoid the examiner looking at it stamping it with a novelty sized stamp reading 'EPIC FAIL'.
So i have chosen to change it to Cult Status within World Cinema. In other words what are the most famous/inspiring/wonderful/...good cult films with in different areas of World Cinema and why? As well as how have they influenced other films... maybe even western ones. If i dare touch on that.
So yeah, i appreciate Sir's bluntness and nice way of saying 'wrong' as it is best to identify problems such as this one early on. Also it gives me more to write about in question 1 on the exam.
So every metaphorical cloud has a metaphorical silver lining.
- Alex x
Who does that Mr White think he is!!!
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