Tuesday 30 October 2007

First non cat related post!

I have decided that tonight shall be the night of my first post on actual media studies...things.
This has nothing to do with Mr White saying in media today 'he wasn't happy with the blogs' or because Joe's just happens to be looking full of text.
It is because, im in a pickle.

'New Media Technology', mostly everyone on the planet (bar a few) most probably know what it is with out knowing what it is. Confused?
Don't be, New Media Technology really is a bit of a doodle. In short, in relation to the name NEW media technology is basically all the media related products that are being released in this and upcoming day and ages.
It is the newest of the new, the creme de la creme of products.
And its burning holes in our pockets.
Unfortunately, nothing can remain NMT forever. A new phone will come out, you'll be like 'wowze wow' and hop on out to shell out 300 pound for it and within weeks an even better phone will be released, an 'upgrade', one that makes bubbly noises as you flick it open. Thus making you feel a bit cheated out, and some gullible fools (or rich people) may even buy the upgrade to keep up to date. Carrying on with the medias vicious money making circle.
As new as something seems, give it time it will soon be yesterdays news.
Take for instance the old video game 'pong', that was at a time considered NMT, now look at it. R3tr0.

For example, gaming systems. For 6 years now me and my playstation 2 have lived in harmony, i have got ALOT of play out of it and frankly, its getting old. In 2001 there was no choice whether i should buy a xbox or ps2.
But now Microsoft and Sony are at logger heads as both the 'next gen' systems are now out. Many many years in the making Sony have finally released their (quite frankly overpriced) long awaited playstation 3 shortly after Microsoft's release of the xbox 360.
And as this is new media technology i am inclined to mention. These 'gaming systems' are no longer JUST gaming systems. These babies do everything!
You can;
Play music from mp3 files, by plugging in your mp3 player of choice *cough* ipod.
Download TV shows, movies and music videos from 'internet market places' such as xbox lives market place, straight to watch on your gaming system.
Chat with people all over the world via a head set or if you want to push the boat out, with a web cam!
For all you bored teenagers out there, go on msn!
You can play online with any one else with the same game and system as you who also has a account on line, which basically means theres is always a new challenge everytime you connect to the net. Which is such a good idea as it means an increased longevity with games. Another longevity factor is being able to download additional levels, maps, songs and characters for games which means that some games Microsoft's 'Gears Of Wars' for instance, will never seem to end.

To be frank, you never need to leave the house.

Hang on, isn't that basically everything a computer does? I hear you cry. The answer is yes and that is the beauty of it. These 'next gen' gaming systems have taken such a huge leap from the days of the nes and Nintendo 64 and all i want to know is how can they possibly get any better?!
Virtual gaming?! O wait no, the Nintendo wii has that covered. A gimmick yes, but a good one at that. Sony have even dabbled in it creating a 'six-axis' playstation 3 controller where you move the controller and it moves the view in the game etc.
Ermmm virtual reality is the next logical step. Imagine being able to put a head set on and get sucked into a virtual world of gaming where you can do anything! Is this so hard to believe now days, especially with the interactivity of some games coming out at the moment. Take for instance Red Octanes 'Guitar Hero', why learn to play a real guitar when you can just do that, i did ;). Ubisoft's 'Assassins Creed', 4 years in the making. What have they done in that four years? They have made an incredibly cinematographic(is that a word?) good looking game, and have thrown in one of the extremes in interactivity. You can with your character interact with anything in the environment that sticks out by 2 inches. phw0ar.
I could go on for ages, and i might, sometime in the near future.

But yes, the pickle. As great as these new systems sound i can only get one. And i have NO idea what one to get playstation or 360 :|
for what you get in the systems it is expected that they are to be quite highly priced, but damn. Any pointers in the right direction will be appreciated :)

Until one of them can make a cup of tea, im torn.

Now im finished this little diary style rant and off to talk to my chums on web 2.0 ;)

Click the title for a comic i was bored enough to get my friend to find Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

Frankly, it was AWESOME and i suggest you purchase a xbox 360.