Wednesday 2 April 2008


Yo, after a long absence of posts mainly due to all the other work i have had dropped on me from other subjects who believe that they are in fact the only ones i have taken coupled with the magazine coursework that i had to do for media, i didnt get to up date this quite as much as id of liked. But any way, all that rubbish aside and its time for more updates.

Not much realllly happened since i last made an update;
The xbox 360 had cut its price down to 200 pound for a standard model where as the P$£ is remaining at a rather heft price tag of 300 pound for an ordinary model. This people have got in a huff about as some internet dwellers seem to forget that the 360 has been around for a year longer than the ps3 and is by all means entitled to a price drop by now. This caused an increase in sales by up to 40% in the first week. But to a few people surprise, the ps3's predecessor, the ps2 was also one of the most highest selling consoles of the easter... However this is a clever marketing marketing campaign as it is used to promote momentum for the 360 as the PS3 slowly catches it up.

Other news on the net includes a new aka for the 360. As to many gamers it is know to be prone to malfunctions, thus developing the nick name '3FixMe!'. Not a great reputation really.

Also as the format war is now well and truly over and Toshiba has officially discontinued their productions of HD-DVD players and HD-DVDs rumours are sparking up everywhere like the back of a bike shed that the 360 will be graced with an external Blu Ray drive. Only time will tell on that one as Microsoft have always seemed adamant that this would never be the case.

Games giants 'Electronic Arts', known for franhises such as 'EA Sports' have been very busy lately by trying to monopolise the gaming market all to their self by buying out smaller more indie games developers that pose any threat to their success and money making. 'EA' made most of their money with their annual franchises such as 'Madden 2008' and over recent years the averages score ratings for their games has seen a slump as there games continued to lack innovation and originality. Not one to break their carnivorous eating habits 'EA' have set its sights on 'Take Two Interactive' as games publisher and distributor known for their highly anticipated and loved 'GTA' series and the not so loved 'Manhunt' series. After 'TT' denied an offer of 2 billion dollars EA set out other means to acquiring the company by buying out big share holders of the company. This convergence of companies is not the first in this sense as 'Activision' and 'Vivendi' formed earlier on in the year. In my opinion, 'TT' would be fools to sell out at such a crucial time what with the release of GTA 4 coming out, which is almost guaranteed to make millions.

Oh yeah i forgot to mention, today in class we were told to narrow down our NMT scope and i have narrowed mine down to Games. If you couldn't already tell. But i will also be using other aspects of NMT such as social networking in games (xbox Live, PSN), convergence in games with other peripherals and incorporating the format war (blu ray vs HD-DVD) and wireless aspects such as wifi in psp's etc.

I have chosen this because i feel that games are at a time in the media where they are attracting alot of attention. The majority of which is negative as games are being used as scape goats for violence and other maladaptive behavior. Reasons for this being because kids are playing games that are far too mature for them, or that kids are spending to much time on games. These are the types of retarded games politics that are gunna ruin gaming as presidential hopefuls such as Barack Obama whose opinion on gaming is that it is a 'Metaphor for under achievement'


As well as it being proposed that games receive film like certificate ratings, i always thought they already had them to be honest. But thankfully female psychologist Tanya Byron is acting as the voice of reason in a world full of retards claiming they should "get a grip".


In my opinion any one who goes out and buys a game which simulates violence and cannot differentiate between reality and that video game is bound to do something wacky regardless of whether or not a game is involved. I have been playing video games from a very early age and not once have i had the urge to hijack a car, go for a joy ride, then kill some prostitutes. If were banning violent material then why not ban some violent literature while were at it, King Lears pretty messed up, some guy had his eyes plucked out, sure Shakespeare wouldn't mind i know i wouldn't.

Rant over.

On a lighter note on april fools day a story was leaked about those crazy Japanese and how they came up with a bizzare new way of playing the wii. Taking the name a bit too literally i think in the form of 'Super Pii Pii Broters'.

Look how much fun shes having.

Basically what the game entailed is strapping the wii remote on to a pair of peripheral pants and then well, peeing. According to the Japanese text on the box "Super Pii Pii Brothers promotes good bathroom skills and allows women to experience for the first time the pleasure of urinating while standing." How thoughtful. Unfortunately though this is just one of the many april fool gaming pranks up there with the likes of a new Final fantasy 7 remake for the ps3.
Sigh, in time.

Video Games!!!

- Alex x


Anonymous said...

well done Alex.
