Sunday 1 June 2008

Oh Hai!

Its, been a while. But im back bb. But not with a vengeance... with a desire to write about the games industry!
Over the course of my time off between my last gruelling psychology exam and my media exam tomorrow i have had some time to think and ponder the state in which the gaming world lies. It has come to my knowledge that my blog is basically 20 or so posts about how awesome it all is. As undeniable as that is, i think that its time for a change, i think i should write about some of gamings, down sides. Down sides that have only really come about thanks to the introduction of more and more new media.

Remember what Sir said, the M in media, is for moneyyyyy! Everyone in the industry is out for what they can get, which is moneyyyy! And to do this they have utilised many many ways in which to get this out of us. And i just thought id run down a few ways, ill most probably get a tad distracted on the way, but you know.


Above: Money

As games are now pretty much always utilising the online facilities available for it a few games have started the selling additional features for the game for an additional charge. Games such as Call of Duty and Resistance sell new map packs for their consumers for a tad more cash. Sure thats fine, if you buy them you get a new map and a bit more added on to the game, but if you don't, no harm done.

Until now *dramatic music*, Battlefield: Bad Company, the latest in very popular series of war games that specialise in lots of people killing each other online, have a great idea in that people can buy guns in the game with real life money, essentially adding an instant advantage to who ever wants to shell out for say, a new shotgun (pun intended). Skill, schmill. This is at the height of realism, money = power dammit! Capitalism ftw!

But these guns are also already on the disc, yes, the one you paid for, fully. Inevitably this has caused confusion and outrage. You own this game, its yours, just you can't use certain things on it. Think of it as... buying a house, but the estate agent keeps the keys to the spare room until you pay him a bit more...

Numero... two. World Of Warcraft is a massively popular mmorpg that ive written about before. The company behind this game is Blizzard and in a rather cold move (ahaha again, intented!) in a method to stop its 9 million plus subscribers from cheating they have programmed their servers so that the online games download a client worm thing to scan your computer and ensure your not using a cheating programme. That seems like an awful lot of effort to stop what could be one of the worlds most pathetic past times, cheating at online games.

Any way, heres something that this scanner thing does;


The scanner will scan (duh) your computer in search for unauthorised programmes and will report back to Blizzard what these programmes are, but what does it consider unauthorised? Credit card numbers, addresses, chat logs? Right, although Blizzard hasn't actually done anything to this equivalent (that we know about ¬__¬) this is exactly the type of thing that is giving other NMT facilities such as social networking like facebook a bad rep, ala BBC.
Also whats there to stop the scanner being altered? Hmmmm you'll need a scanner to find a scanner.

With great new technlogy comes great new graphical improvements which comes with great new scams. Advertisements come preloaded with pre-rendered (in normal people terms, awesome graphics) which make the game look as dazzling as the second coming of christ. But there are a few games that try to sneak pre-rendered sequences into their advertising and unveiling of games. The guilty include well known games such as Killzone 2 which at an E3 show displayed a sequences with amazing visuals boasted to be in game, only to find out that they were pre-rendered for that one segment. Deceit indeed. But that games not out yet.

Everyone knows about Call of Duty 4, but before that according to the laws of continuity was Call of duty 2 which was advertised like thisss;

Needless to say people were flabbergasted at the thought of playing a game that looks that orgasmic. Cutscenes are usually shown for advertisements and a disclaimer usually comes up saying 'Not in-game footage' but this pre-rendered sequence was created especially for advertisements and the adverts were even pulled by the Advertising Standards Authority forcing Activision to remove the adverts from British TV before more people succumbed to the prettiness.

Finally, well for now comes the segment of the article i have been meaning to write about for a long time, and that is the state of games reviewing. any clued up gamer should of heard about Kane & Lynch: Dead Men a game that came out to much hype only to fall at the first few hurdles in that it was shit. GameSpot a trusted reviewing site reviews many of the latest game and boasts an impressive database of information on the gaming world. How ever on November the 13th of 2007 (sadly it wasn't a friday, sigh) a review was posted by senior GameSpot writer Jeff Gerstmann in which he gave the game a 'meh' inducing 6.0.


The good news was it was a pretty solid review the bad news is the games publishers had recently bought an abundance of advertising space around the site.... awkwarddddd. Imagine slagigng some one off only to find there standing right behind you. And poor ol' Jeff was fired.

reservoir dogs

Jeff vs. The Man

To kick him while he was down it was found that Jeff's score of 6.0 was considerably higher than that of the users aggregated review, so he even gave it a generous review and paid the price. so much for journalistic integrity.

The message from Gamespot's management was clear: a good review is part of what the advertiser pays for. Jeff being fired sent this message to every reviewer on the site.

So there you have it, a reviewer paying the price for honesty.

But not only did GameSpot lose Jeff, they also lost the trust from many many visitors [including myself]. People would rethink whether or not to trust the internet.

Which nicely brings me on to my next point. Everyone who is everyone has heard of GTA hell i even hyped it up majorly in my last post. GTA has perfect score across the board and a metacritic score of 98% out of 56 reviews. But many reviewers have boasted how GTA4 is in fact not worth a perfect 10 and the reason why it has obtained many perfect scores is similar to that of the GameSpot controversy. Companies want new game exclusive reviews and developers and games companies want perfect reviews. I think you can see where im going with this. So, in turn for a new exclusive review which would generate lots of visitors to their site or get lots of people to buy their magazine and more money/popularity/traffic the game makers expect a certain type of review, a damn good one. Considering the metacritic score for GTA4 is only 8.1 from a users perspective it leaves all that remains to be rather suspect.

Game sites such as GameDaily gave the score a perfect 10 but recently published a post entitled; "Why We Stopped Playing GTA4". Highlighting the games flaws, surely a 10/10 game means its perfect and in turn should mean, it has no flaws?

For me i find it increasingly harder to trust game reviews from the web, i now only trust one man, and his name, is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.

Warning: here be strong language.

Described as "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory". Gamers love it and developers fear it, how things should be.

This post was incredibly inspired by the amazingly amazing website Cracked! Go here! Your boredom shall be decimated!

Any way, thats pretty much all i wanted to write about for like a while, Cracked beat me to it but also provided alot more detail for this post in general such as the Blizzard bit. Thats not to say there haven't been over developments in the gaming world, such as;

Playstation 3 is looking to get a new firmware upgrade 4.20. This is no ordinary stability increasing firm ware, this firm ware has... IN GAME XMB!!! Oh yeah, the gamers have moaned and Playstation have delivered. Also coming is trophy support, so like Xbox achievements. Some are even hoping for a surprise release of Playstation Home.
Lets bloody well hope so.

Happy Face

I just wanted an excuse to use that face really

Also there has been talk of motion controllers for the PS3 and the 360 similar to that of the wii. At the moment these are just rumours circling the web, but hey! so was the hundreds of 'Bioshock is coming to the ps3!' rumours and look how that turned out. It is!

Exclusivity, pffft.

- Alex x


Anonymous said...

Well done Alex. You should get paid to write like this.