Thursday 17 July 2008


Finally, huzzah! I have now decided on my final hypothesis after much weeks of paranoia, worrying and deliberation. 

But yeah, more to write about in question 1 I guess.

Now that I have changed my hypothesis it has, as madam said it would, meant i can now narrow down my focus films. So i am removing some and just simply changing others. Which is the same I guess.

Any way my new list of films is likely to include:

- Gojira
- Seven Samurai
- Enter the Dragon
- Old-Boy
- Akira

I may not do 'Old-Boy' as im not sure whether or not my theories as to it changing world cinema are just enough. But oh well time will have to tell. But I am pretty sure the other films have had a influential impact on world cinema. Influences of which I an going to elaborate on in further posts. At home. As blogging at school is harder than concrete.


Above: Something really hard

- Alex x

Saturday 12 July 2008


Since the beginning I have been having numerous problems with my hypothesis, starting with my unoriginal too cliche video-game violence one and followed by my completely wrong comic book film one. So to the realm of cult Asian film I went and good lord im still having problems.

I originally came up with the hypothesis of 'Cult Asian Cinema' when I realised, 'what the hell thats a title not a hypothesis'. So I quickly changed that. My most recent hypothesis is more towards the;

'The influence of Asian cult films on world cinema.'

But im just thinking about how I could refine it or improve it. So after much deliberation and confused talks with my teachers, I think I know how to do it now.

So drum roll please.

'The influence and growth and popularity of Asian cult films in World Cinema'.

It may only hold a difference of around 4 words but I think that it will enab...

Wait a sec... ive just had a, what Ms Ward would say, a brain wave.

'What effect, if any, has cult Asian film had on World Cinema'.

Oh yeah! If that isnt good enough ill be forced to shoot some one [JOKE!!1+shift!]. One of my, and I think Mr White's previous qualms with my early hypothesis was that it was more of a statement opposed to a question so would it of been critical research.

But upon listening to David Bowie and eating chocolate spread rolls I think that one up there allows me to argue 2 sides of the argument whilst enabling me to do all the things I previously planned to do in terms of the films and what to write about, only now, with more direction.


That Way!

The good thing is I kinda already know what I would write about with some of my films as well. I may have to change one or two though to cater for my new hypothesis. Or maybe I don't, maybe I could use them to argue that there is no effect.

Ladies and gentlemen I think i have cracked it!


What would i do with out him?

- Alex x

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Narrowing it down.

Right. Back from the rolling hills and picturesque mountain tops of Wales and im back, in bonny ol' Albion again. To work.


Any way whilst I was away I was paranoid about having lots of work to catch up on so in between setting up tents and hiking up mountains with increasingly slowing steps, I took a few moments to think about my media work and my hypotheses which led me to think about the films in which I would like to study and what not.

So i narrowed it down to these;
- The Seven Samurai
- Akira
-Perfect Blue
- Battle Royale
- Old-Boy
And finally, Versus.

Although i may lose Perfect Blue as there is no sense in having that AND Akira when both films are of the same niche genre. (That sounds like something to write about in my evaluation thing, or question 1 in the exam, not bad.)

So yeah ill get rid of that.

So the films I will be studying are;
- Godzilla
- Seven Samurai
- Akira
- Battle Royale
- Old-Boy
- Versus

I have picked these films because for obvious reasons, they are all Asian in origin and when they were released they were all Cult films of sorts or 'B-Movies'. But some of them have gone on to achieve world wide fame stemming from their cult Asian roots. Also some of the films have gone on to influence more renowned 'mainstream' cinema in the West, even to influence genres as a whole. Some, are just damn good cult films.

In my research of these films I will look at how the films are sold to an home Asian audience and how they try to appeal to Western audiences. I will also look at their box-office earnings to see if their popularity matches up to their money. I will also look at their influences on other world cinema (if any) and throw in some theoretical textual analysis to round it all up.

I will do blog post to cater for each films.

Expect to be seeing one on Godzilla soon. and it might be long. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Seriously, i just spent like 15 minutes trawling though Wikipedia looking at Godzilla stuff and all its reincarnations, theres LOADS! Did you know that in the 1998 American version of Godzilla the giant dinosaur lizard thing isn't even called Godzilla! Read away.

I hate purists.

- Alex x


Oh! Back to my days of ol' NMT video game nerdiness, i have recently bought GTA4. And after all the hype that came with it my verdict so far is a resounding; its alright. If you do own a PS3 and are really looking for an amazing experience i would suggest MGS4. But hey,


In-game XMB for PS3 at last \o/